Get to know Pascal

Pascal Vallet stands at the forefront of educational technology and innovation, with an illustrious career that spans across continents and includes pivotal roles at some of the world’s most esteemed educational institutions. As the current Principal at the United Nations International School and with a history of leadership roles in international schools in South Korea, Indonesia, and the USA, Vallet has been a pivotal figure in integrating artificial intelligence and automation within educational systems. This integration goes beyond the mere use of new tools; it involves fostering a seamless collaboration between technology and pedagogy. Since 2023, his focus has been sharply on the role of AI in revolutionizing school operations and education, leading to significant enhancements in both learning and administrative efficiencies.

His leadership in orchestrating the deployment of technological solutions for AEFE across Southeast Asia is just one facet of his commitment to transforming educational experiences through technology. Vallet's influence is further magnified through his role in leading webinars and workshops for some of the most influential organizations in international education: the Academy for International School Heads (AISH), the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE), the Association of French Schools in North America (AFSA), and International School Services (ISS). Through these collaborations, he has been instrumental in guiding school leaders and educators in harnessing the potential of AI to enhance educational delivery and operational management. His endeavors in these areas have been characterized by a profound collaborative effort to thoughtfully and innovatively integrate technology, thus supporting school leaders, teachers, and students in navigating the complexities of a rapidly evolving digital educational landscape.

In his consultancy services, Pascal Vallet aspires to not just facilitate technological integration but to pioneer a future where education can fully exploit the potential of AI and automation to create learning environments that are inclusive, effective, and inspirational. He encourages educational leaders and institutions to collaborate with him in this transformative journey, to co-create the tools that will subsequently shape the future of education.

Our mission

Our mission is to pioneer the integration of AI and technology, including automation, into the heart of educational operations and learning environments. By collaborating closely with leadership and academic teams, we strive to empower educational institutions with innovative solutions that streamline operations, enrich the educational experience, and foster informed decision-making. Our goal is to transform schools into smart, agile centers of learning where technology amplifies efficiency and educational impact.

Our vision

We envision a future where educational institutions operate with unparalleled efficiency and intelligence, thanks to the strategic application of AI. In this future, every educational leader and administrator is equipped with data-driven insights and automated tools to optimize operations and elevate the learning journey. Our commitment is to turn this vision into reality, ensuring that educational innovation and operational excellence go hand in hand, creating an environment where students and educators alike can thrive.