Terms & conditions

Welcome to PascalVallet.com!

These terms and conditions govern your use of PascalVallet.com, a site owned and operated by DoubleL Enterprise LLC. By accessing and using this website, you signify your acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.


PascalVallet.com utilizes cookies to enhance your online experience. By using our website, you consent to the use of necessary cookies. Cookies are small text files placed on your device by our server; they are unique to your device and can only be read by our server. They cannot run programs or deliver viruses. We use cookies for gathering data, storing preferences, and improving our site's functionality. While necessary cookies are essential for our website's operation and do not require consent, you have the option to accept or decline non-essential cookies. Note that accepting essential cookies may also mean accepting third-party cookies used in integrated services on our website, such as video display features.


The intellectual property rights of all materials on PascalVallet.com are owned by DoubleL Enterprise LLC or its licensors. These rights are reserved. You are permitted to use the site for personal purposes, subject to the following restrictions:

  • Do not copy, republish, sell, rent, or sub-license material from the website.

  • Do not reproduce, duplicate, or copy material from the website for commercial purposes.

  • Do not redistribute content from the website without express permission.

User Comments

Users may post and exchange opinions and information on designated areas of the website. Please note that comments posted on PascalVallet.com do not necessarily reflect the views of DoubleL Enterprise LLC, its agents, or affiliates. Comments solely represent the viewpoints of the individual users. DoubleL Enterprise LLC is not responsible for any comments posted by users and will not be liable for any damages or expenses resulting from such postings. We reserve the right to monitor and remove comments deemed inappropriate or offensive or that violate these terms and conditions.